We have always believed that no one should go to bed hungry. Food is a basic human need and needs to be met. In order to achieve this Flavuor aims to create full ecosystem of products from seed to plate. We will develop and own our entire value gain. Using innovations in biotechnology,3D printing and alternative protein breakthroughs. This will allow us to have not only create products form the ground up and deliver products like no other, but due to this tight control we will be able to eventually deliver an Ultra low cost meal that could be distributed through our network and retail partners. This will ensure that we can indeed make sure that no one goes to bed hungry.


Industrial farming is the major cause of animal cruelty. Due to the high deman, these animals must be grown fast and in high volume.Animals are force-fed to grow three times their size. New-born animals are killed after 2 weeks. Battrey Chickens live on the space if your 10 inch Tablet,and sometimes  never getting a chance to walk outside.These conditions are horrific and unsanitary and lead to many diseases

Nearly one third of the of food is wasted Globally.This is equivalent to to about 1.3 Billion metric tons yearly. 690 Million people are currently starting starving.It is expected to reach 840 Million by 2030. Chicken Farming uses 800 calories of energy to give us only 100 calories back this is equal to 800% food wastage.



It takes approximately 1614L of water to produce 450g of Beef.Production of Meat is responsible for 14.5% of human linked greenhouse gases.Agriculture also accounts for 30% of energy use globally,which accounts for about one third of the fossil fuel use.80% of all antibiotics sold were used for meat production due to increased  demand. This will result in resistance to antibiotics rendering most modern medicine obsolete


The world population is  to grow to about 9.5 billion by 2050.In addition to this,climate change will cause a predicted 20% less yield in our crops.Our current food system will be unable ti sustain this demand and is already in trouble.Due to food be comming more scarce pricing will increase resulting in higher levels of poverty,  and starvation